Friday, February 11, 2011

Truck Day

As always seems to happen, I managed to tweak my left knee yet again during the truck.  It was almost 1000 pieces and, of course, I grabbed a big heavy box and turned all of my body EXCEPT the left leg...thus the knee popped and ended up feeling like a lead weight for the remainder of my shift.  One would think that I would have learned by now but NOOOOOOOO.
So anyway, it is time for relaxing and resting my leg so hopefully I can at least hobble slightly tomorrow, even though She-of-the-Amazing-Smile is not supposed to be there to make the day bearable.  Oh's not like there is any hope anyway.....

Still missing my Princess too.  I am owed a hug and SUPPOSEDLY she said she would cook for me, but I know how that goes........
Just kidding, my dear.

Until next time...........

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